Creativity is our Passion.
We advise domestic and international clients in all matters related to the protection and commercial exploitation of creative results. Owing to the high demands that we make on competent and reliable legal advice, we provide a secure basis for the activities of our clients; our comprehensive knowledge of the industry and our far-reaching contacts within the entertainment sector enable them to protect their creativity in the best possible way, successfully implement their business ideas and find the right partners.
Among our clients are artists and personalities, media companies, publishing houses, advertising agencies, music, film and TV producers, branded goods manufacturers, IT companies and others who generate or market creative achievements. We see our role in providing our clients with counsel based on commercial expertise and protect them by means of well-balanced and commercially reasonable solutions already prior to any legal dispute. Our clients appreciate that we know and understand their business. And, if required, we fight for their interests in or outside court in a professional and passionate way.
As a commercial law firm specialising in media & entertainment law, the focus of our activity is on copyright and industrial property rights (competition law and intellectual property rights), but also on all business law, company law and general civil law-related matters that may arise in this context. We accompany and support the careers of artists as well as the introduction of new products and brands or the formation, establishment and takeover of companies. Our network with lawyers of other sectors, tax consultants and financial auditors enables us to offer our clients a comprehensive service both nationwide and at the international level.